Town of Boone Action

Email Boone Town Council and Ask them to Pass an Ordinance to Reduce Single-Use Plastics.

Fill out the form below to send an email to Boone Town Council and let them know that you support an ordinance that would:

  • Bans the use of plastic shopping bags, styrofoam cups, and plastic straws by fast-food restaurants, grocery stores, and retailers.

  • Charges a 10¢ fee for recyclable paper bags (made from 40% post0consumer waste) that is collected by the business.

  • Exempts customers using EBT, SNAP, and WIC from paying the 10¢ fee.

Read our model ordinance.

Please take a minute to fill out this short survey to help our team better understand community needs around waste issues. Survey responses will be used to gauge public awareness and inform work surrounding our plastics campaign.